Top Companies for Timber Sales in IL
Walnut Timber Buyers licensed professionals help you get the maximum amount on timber sales in IL. Get a free appraisal of your walnut or white oak trees today by calling 309-369-9524.
We use only licensed timber buyers with years of experience to provide a valuation on your timber. Thus, you will receive the most accurate pricing for your timber from qualified professionals. Next, our select harvesting method identifies mature, high-value trees in your woodlands. Then, we will only fell the valuable mature trees which will clear out space for your younger trees to grow. Finally, we leverage relationships with Midwestern and global importers that we have maintained for the last 30 years to drive up demand for your logs. As a result, you will receive the biggest possible payday for your timber.
You may find other companies for timber sales in IL. However, you will not find another logger who can offer you the full range of services that we can. With Walnut Timber Buyers, you benefit from working with a local, independent company committed to customer satisfaction. So, contact us now to schedule a free timber appraisal.
We Assist Landowners with Timber Sales in IL
Walnut Timber Buyers professionals realize that you need assistance from specialists who know the current timber market and its pricing. Plus, you want precise information on the best value of your trees that you hope to sell. For that reason, we invite you to utilize our experience and knowledge of the current timber market prices. For more than three decades, we have served as the trusted local source to get the best deal on timber sales in IL. To get the most for your timber, contact Walnut Timber Buyers. Our company has logged hundreds of properties safely, leaving you a hefty profit and a healthy forest that can keep making you money in the future.
We Help Other Loggers with Timber Sales in IL
Our company can offer you direct export pricing for walnut or white oak timber if you are logger with cut logs to sell. With us, we make fast and easy transactions. As a matter fact, you will not even need to break up your log piles. First, we will grade and scale every log. Then, we pay you the best prices for what each log is worth. Most importantly, we want to establish a long-lasting partnership with you. We partner with local sawmills to help offer the most direct pricing for your timber, ensuring you can always sell your wood through Walnut Timber Buyers for maximum value.
We Work with Importers on Timber Sales in IL
If your import company needs high-grade wood products, rely on Walnut Timber Buyers for the valuable timber you want. We export high-grade walnut or white oak veneer, sawlogs, and tabletops. Our family-owned business makes it as simple as possible to conduct timber sales in IL. To ensure fast and easy transactions, we have invested in streamlining our logistics from the yard to the rail. We provide container loading services at our professionally managed concentration yards. In addition, we can provide for all the trucking, fumigation, and rail services needed to finalize the sale.

Contact Us for the Best Timber Sales in IL
Walnut Timber Buyers uses 30 years of timber industry experience to give you the best deals whether you are buying or selling timber. Our licensed timber buyers help landowners place the proper value on their timber. Plus, they assist loggers with cut logs to sell in getting a fair price. Give us a call now at 309-369-9524 or contact us online to get a free timber appraisal.