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Loggers IL

A tall walnut tree in the summer in Illinois

Your Home for the Best Loggers in IL

Behind every timber sale is a crew of experienced loggers. A logging crew works to quickly and carefully cut the trees on your land down and organize them to be further transported and processed. And to get the most out of your loggers in IL, they must work well with your timber buyers. However, with Walnut Timber Buyers, you get the loggers and buyers all rolled into one company.

Walnut Timber Buyers has made great success assisting landowners, loggers and importers throughout Illinois and Missouri. As a family-owned and run business of 30 plus years, we have developed the best practices for harvesting your wood and placing it on the market. Other buyers can’t compare to the service and value you get with Walnut Timber Buyers.

Our Loggers and Select Harvesting

Our loggers utilize a tree cutting method called Select Harvesting. This method allows us to go through a forest and pick-out trees that are most ready to be cut down. There are several advantages to using this method for tree cutting.

  • Value
    • What you as a landowner may care about most is the amount you can get from selling your timber. By picking the best trees from your forest, we work to ensure you get maximum value from your wood. Moreover, we leave future “select” trees to further grow for harvest at a later point.
  • Preservation
    • Some people don’t realize that a forest can grow too much. Trees can choke out other plant life and stunt the growth of other trees. By removing select trees from a forest, you can stimulate the growth of plant life, encourage future tree growth and overall preserve the environment.
  • Safety
    • By focusing on a precise group of trees for harvest, this can minimize the danger of cutting down trees. We use tactics to secure individual trees before they fall. The goal is to make sure a tree has a controlled fall in both speed and direction. Also, this helps to avoid felling trees into streams or creeks.
Logger part of Walnut Timber Buyers, measuring the width of walnut trees in IL after cutting them down

Completing Your Timber Sale

When selling your timber, loggers in IL alone isn’t enough to get the job done. However, by hiring Walnut Timber Buyers, we’re all the help you’ll ever need. Not only do we employ professional loggers, but tree inspectors and truck drivers too. We cover all aspects of inspecting, cutting, and moving your logs. Additionally, we partner with multiple sawmills and importers, so to have the best selection of buyers to choose from when selling your timber.

Call Us Today

Don’t take a chance on other loggers in IL when you can get the total lumber sale done with Walnut Timber Buyers. Contact us today at 309-369-9524. Also, we are located at 8727 Arenzville Rd. Beardstown, IL 62618.

Thank you for your interest in Walnut Timber Buyers. At this time we are only considering projects of 20 or more mature trees. For residential projects and projects of less then 20 trees, please contact your local tree service.